Fluid Processes, Industry Digital Transformation, Digital Plant ModelResumo
The convergence of AT with IT applied to industrial processes related to manipulating liquids and gaseous materials (fluid processes) is a relevant subject since it shows the benefits that managers will attain by enhancing their decision-making. This work describes an integration architecture of organized information in three different domains: the business, value chain, and asset lifecycle domains, to be used in AT and IT master plans as guidelines for the organization’s investment portfolio management. Then a standard model for integration and validation of information concerning operation and management of an industrial organization was developed using industry digital transformation concepts applied to its fluid processes, which was named the Digital Plant model. These results will contribute to the advance of researches related to convergent AT and IT applied in fluid processes, providing decision-making managers with greater confidence, formal documentation, and democratization of accumulated experience.Downloads
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ROMERO, D., BERNUS, P., NORAN, O., STAHRE, J. The Operator 4.0: human cyber-physical systems & adaptive automation towards human-automation symbiosis work systems. In: ADVANCES IN PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS- APMS: INITIATIVES FOR A SUSTAINABLE WORLD, Sept. 3–7, 2016. Iguassu Falls, Brazil, 677–688.
SADEGHI, A. R., WACHSMANN, C., WAIDNER, M. Security and privacy challenges in industrial Internet of Things. In: 52ND ANNUAL DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE, June 7–11, 2015, San Francisco, USA.
TAO, F., ZHANG, L., VENKATESH, V. C., LUO, Y., CHENG, Y. Cloud manufacturing: A computing and service-oriented manufacturing model. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part B J. Eng. Manuf. 2011, 225(10):1969–1976.
TAO, F., ZHANG, L., CHENG, Y., XU, L. D., LI, B. H. CCIoT-CMfg: Cloud computing and Internet of Things-based cloud manufacturing service system. IEEE Trans. Ind. Inf. 2014, 10(2):1435–1442.
TSAI, W., SUN, X., BALASOORIYA, J. Service-oriented cloud computing architecture. In: 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, Apr. 12–14, 2010, Las Vegas, USA, 684–689.
VALILAI, O. F., HOUSHMAND, M. A collaborative and integrated platform to support distributed manufacturing system using a service-oriented approach based on cloud computing paradigm. Rob. Comput. Integr. Manuf. 2013, 29(1):110–127.
VICKERY, S. K., JAYARAM, J., DROGE, C., CALANTONE, R. The effects of an integrative supply chain strategy on customer service and financial performance: an analysis of direct versus indirect relationships. J. Oper. Manage. 2003, 21(5):523–539.
WANG, X. V., XU, X. W. An interoperable solution for cloud manufacturing. Rob. Comput. Integr. Manuf. 2013, 29(4):232–247.
WEBER, R. H. Internet of Things – new security and privacy challenges. Comput. Law Secur. Rep. 2010, 26(1):23–30.
WEYER, S., SCHMITT, M., OHMER, M., GORECKY, D. Towards Industry 4.0 – standardization as the crucial challenge for highly modular, multi-vendor production systems for highly modular, multi-vendor production systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2015, 48(3):579–584.
XIONG, G., JI, T., ZHANG, X., ZHU, F., LIU, W. Cloud operating system for industrial application. In: 10TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SERVICE OPERATIONS, LOGISTICS, AND INFORMATICS, Aug. 19–21, 2015, Tunis, Tunisia, 43–48.
XIONG, G., NYBERG, T. R., WANG, F. Real-time manufacturing integration and intelligence solution: case study in global chemical company. J. Softw. 2012, 7(8):1727–1737.
XU, L. D., HE, W., LI, S. Internet of Things in industries: a survey. IEEE Trans. Ind. Inf. 2014, 10(4):2233–2243.
XU, X. W. From cloud computing to cloud manufacturing. Rob. Comput. Integr. Manuf. 2012, 28(1):75–86.
BRETTELL, M., FRIEDRICHSEN, N., KELLER, M., MARIUS ROSENBERG, M. How virtualization, decentralization and network building change the manufacturing landscape: An Industry 4.0 perspective. Int. J. Mech. Aerosp. Ind. Mechatron. Manuf. Eng. 2014, 8(1): 37–44.
BUSI, M. Collaborative performance management: present gaps and future research. Int. J. Prod. Perf. Manag. 2006, 55(1):7–25.
CHEN, J., CAO, X., CHENG, P., XIAO, Y., SUN, Y. Distributed collaborative control for industrial automation with wireless sensor and actuator networks. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 2010, 57(12):4219–4230.
FROHLICH, M. T., WESTBROOK, R. Arcs of integration: an international study of supply chain strategies. J. Oper. Manage. 2001, 19(2):185–200.
GUBBI, J., BUYYA, R., MARUSIC, S., PALANISWAMI, M. Internet of Things (IoT): a vision, architectural elements, and future directions. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 2013, 29(7):1645–1660.
HAIRUI, W., YONG, Z. Multi-agent based chemical plant process monitoring and management system. In: 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, NETWORKING AND MOBILE COMPUTING (WICOM), Oct. 12–14, 2008, Dalian, China, 1–4.
HUO, Z., MUKHERJEE, M., SHU, L., CHEN, Y., ZHOU, Z. Cloud-based data-intensive framework towards fault diagnosis in large-scale petrochemical plants. In: 12TH INTERNATIONALWIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND MOBILE COMPUTING CONFERENCE, Sept. 5–9, 2016, Paphos, Cyprus, 1080–1085.
HUHNS, M. N., SINGH, M. P. Service-oriented computing: key concepts and principles. IEEE Internet Comput. 2005, 9(1):75–81.
KARNOUSKOS, S., COLOMBOT, A. W., BANGEMANN, T., MANNINEN, K., CAMP, R., TILLYII, M., STLUKA, P., LAMMESTT, F., DELSINGU, J., ELIASSON, I. A SOA-based architecture for empowering future collaborative cloud-based industrial automation. In: 38TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY-IECON, Oct. 25–28, 2012, Montreal, Canada, 5766–5772.
LAMBERT, D.M., COOPER, M.C. Issues in supply chain management. Ind. Market. Manag. 2000, 29(1):65–83.
LEE, J., KAO, H. A., YANG, S. Service innovation and smart analytics for Industry 4.0 and big data environment. Procedia CIRP, 2014, 16, 3–8.
LEITAO, P., COLOMBO, A.W., RESTIVO, F.J., SCHOOP, R. Collaborative automation approach to distributed production systems. In: 2ND IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, June 24–26, 2004, Berlin, Germany, 27–32.
LEITAO, P., COLOMBO, A.W., RESTIVO, F.J. ADACOR: a collaborative production automation and control architecture. IEEE Intell. Syst. 2005, 20(1):58–66.
LIDONG, W.L., WANGB, G. Big data in cyber-physical systems, digital manufacturing and Industry 4.0. Int J Precis Eng Manuf. 2016, 6(4):1–8.
MARSTON, S., LI, Z., BANDYOPADHYAY, S., ZHANG, J., GHALSASI, A. Cloud computing – the business perspective. Decis. Support Syst. 2011, 51(1):176–189.
MING, X.G., YAN, J.Q., WANG, X.H., LI, S.N., LU, W.F., PENG, Q.J., MA, Y.S. Collaborative process planning and manufacturing in product lifecycle management. Comput. Ind. 2008, 59(2-3):154–166.
MIORANDI, D., SICARI, S., PELLEGRINI, F., CHLAMTAC, I. Internet of Things: vision, applications and research challenges. Ad Hoc Networks, 2012, 10(7):1497–1516.
NARASIMHAN, R., KIM, S. W. Effect of supply chain integration on the relationship between diversification and performance: evidence from Japanese and Korean firms. J. Oper. Manage. 2002, 20(3):303–323.
ROMERO, D., BERNUS, P., NORAN, O., STAHRE, J. The Operator 4.0: human cyber-physical systems & adaptive automation towards human-automation symbiosis work systems. In: ADVANCES IN PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS- APMS: INITIATIVES FOR A SUSTAINABLE WORLD, Sept. 3–7, 2016. Iguassu Falls, Brazil, 677–688.
SADEGHI, A. R., WACHSMANN, C., WAIDNER, M. Security and privacy challenges in industrial Internet of Things. In: 52ND ANNUAL DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE, June 7–11, 2015, San Francisco, USA.
TAO, F., ZHANG, L., VENKATESH, V. C., LUO, Y., CHENG, Y. Cloud manufacturing: A computing and service-oriented manufacturing model. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part B J. Eng. Manuf. 2011, 225(10):1969–1976.
TAO, F., ZHANG, L., CHENG, Y., XU, L. D., LI, B. H. CCIoT-CMfg: Cloud computing and Internet of Things-based cloud manufacturing service system. IEEE Trans. Ind. Inf. 2014, 10(2):1435–1442.
TSAI, W., SUN, X., BALASOORIYA, J. Service-oriented cloud computing architecture. In: 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, Apr. 12–14, 2010, Las Vegas, USA, 684–689.
VALILAI, O. F., HOUSHMAND, M. A collaborative and integrated platform to support distributed manufacturing system using a service-oriented approach based on cloud computing paradigm. Rob. Comput. Integr. Manuf. 2013, 29(1):110–127.
VICKERY, S. K., JAYARAM, J., DROGE, C., CALANTONE, R. The effects of an integrative supply chain strategy on customer service and financial performance: an analysis of direct versus indirect relationships. J. Oper. Manage. 2003, 21(5):523–539.
WANG, X. V., XU, X. W. An interoperable solution for cloud manufacturing. Rob. Comput. Integr. Manuf. 2013, 29(4):232–247.
WEBER, R. H. Internet of Things – new security and privacy challenges. Comput. Law Secur. Rep. 2010, 26(1):23–30.
WEYER, S., SCHMITT, M., OHMER, M., GORECKY, D. Towards Industry 4.0 – standardization as the crucial challenge for highly modular, multi-vendor production systems for highly modular, multi-vendor production systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2015, 48(3):579–584.
XIONG, G., JI, T., ZHANG, X., ZHU, F., LIU, W. Cloud operating system for industrial application. In: 10TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SERVICE OPERATIONS, LOGISTICS, AND INFORMATICS, Aug. 19–21, 2015, Tunis, Tunisia, 43–48.
XIONG, G., NYBERG, T. R., WANG, F. Real-time manufacturing integration and intelligence solution: case study in global chemical company. J. Softw. 2012, 7(8):1727–1737.
XU, L. D., HE, W., LI, S. Internet of Things in industries: a survey. IEEE Trans. Ind. Inf. 2014, 10(4):2233–2243.
XU, X. W. From cloud computing to cloud manufacturing. Rob. Comput. Integr. Manuf. 2012, 28(1):75–86.
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Chemical Engineering
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