Organizing e Gestão ordinária na Economia Criativa Local




This case uses the context of the local creative economy, and presents the inherent management mode of two organizations active in the segment of culture and communication and information technologies, both demanding the resolution of organizational problems relevant to their work context. We use the concepts of organizing as improvement of the theory of organizations and ordinary management, proposing that students think of solutions to the problems and specificities faced by organizations on a daily basis as limitations of physical, financial, operational and technical resources that allow the maintenance and the survival of organizations related to their managerial demands. For the construction of the narrative, we conducted a semi-structured interview, participant observation and used public data from the municipal secretariat, enabling triangulation in the collection of information. We hope to develop in students the process of creative resolutions for problems that happen in the daily lives of organizations through different forms of management within the creative economy.


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How to Cite

da Silva, Ítalo ., Dias, P. K., & Santos, E. C. dos. (2021). Organizing e Gestão ordinária na Economia Criativa Local. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 13(3).



Teaching Case