Pontuações nas Dinâmicas da Agenda do Aborto no Contexto Brasileiro





Research Objective: to analyze the dynamics of the abortion agenda in the Brazilian context, considering the interaction between the legislative, media, and STF agendas between 1988 and 2020.

Theoretical framework: The Theory of Punctuated Equilibrium is adopted to analyze the attention given to the issue of abortion in the forums of the House of Representatives, the Senate, the STF, and the media, as well as the image expressed by the actors involved.

Methodology: a longitudinal approach is used, considering four theoretical-analytical elements: attention, image, actors, and policy forums. The number and tone (contrary, favorable or neutral) of bills (n=401), statements by senators (n=298), deputies (n=1176), actors in public hearings in the Senate (n=44) and the STF (n=79) and, from the media, a sample of actors cited (n=394) in cover news from Estadão, Folha de São Paulo and O Globo are analyzed.

Results: the results are presented chronologically, highlighting the stability in abortion policy in Congress, where the opposite tone prevails and few bills are approved, while punctuations (changes) have occurred via the STF, something verified by the legislative and media agenda. 

Originality: the STF forum is added for the analysis of the agenda, an organ of the judiciary that has interpreted constitutional issues related to abortion and held public hearings with national and foreign actors.

Theoretical and practical contributions: 33 years of the abortion agenda are consolidated with relevant information for parliamentarians, actors involved, and for citizens, bringing to the debate the issue of the judicialization of politics with changes via the STF. Future research and limitations are considered.

Keywords: abortion, agenda-setting, punctuated equilibrium theory, STF.


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Author Biographies

Maria Clara Figueiredo Dalla Costa Ames Ames, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina

Maria Clara Figueiredo Dalla Costa Ames

Ph.D. in Administration from the Santa Catarina State University (UDESC)

Collaborating Professor at the Santa Catarina State University (UDESC)
Madre Benvenuta Street, 2037, Itacorubi, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. ZIP CODE 88035-001

Phone: (48) 3664-8254 / 98843-2405

Mauricio Custódio Serafim, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina

Mauricio Custódio Serafim

Ph.D. in Administration from Fundação Getulio Vargas of São Paulo (FGV-EAESP).

Associate Professor at the Santa Catarina State University (UDESC)

Madre Benvenuta Avenue, 2037, Itacorubi. Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. ZIP CODE 88035-001

Phone: (48) 3664-8254 / 98843-2405

Marcello Beckert Zappellini, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina

Marcelo Beckert Zappellini

Ph.D. in Administration from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA)

Adjunct Professor at the Santa Catarina State University (UDESC).

Madre Benvenuta Avenue, 2037, Itacorubi, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. ZIP CODE 88035-001

Phone: (48) 3664-8254 / 98843-2405 



How to Cite

Ames, M. C. F. D. C. A., Custódio Serafim, M., & Beckert Zappellini, M. (2022). Pontuações nas Dinâmicas da Agenda do Aborto no Contexto Brasileiro. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.21118/apgs.v14i2.11932


