State capacities in municipalities: Proposal for a Research Agenda and Methodological Path


  • Roseane Grossi Silva Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Valdir Machado Valadão Júnior Universidade Federal de Uberlândia



Research objective: We seek to propose a framework for understanding and analyzing municipal state capacities from their subcapacities, considering different levels of government and bureaucratic action.
?eoretical framework: State capacity interferes in government actions to serve the population and improve development, based
on the formation of sub-capacities: administrative, regulatory, institutional, fiscal, political, financial, analytical and evaluative;
that make up the entire set of skills that the State can develop. ?e Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 decentralized State
resources, transferring social policies to subnational governments, forming a federative context in which municipalities should
have financial and decision-making autonomy.
Results: A proposal for a methodological course is presented, comprising elements of sub-capacities (administrative, regulatory,
institutional, fiscal, political, financial, analytical and evaluative), approaches (quanti-quali), capacity levels (macro, meso, micro),
objectives / results of the State and public served. ?e proposal also includes the “two-way” interference of actions and skills
between levels, resources, sub-capacities and policy objectives, signaling overlaps and processes of transformation and innovation
of municipal and social public structures.Research objective: We seek to propose a framework for understanding and analyzing municipal state capacities from their subcapacities, considering different levels of government and bureaucratic action.
?eoretical framework: State capacity interferes in government actions to serve the population and improve development, based
on the formation of sub-capacities: administrative, regulatory, institutional, fiscal, political, financial, analytical and evaluative;
that make up the entire set of skills that the State can develop. ?e Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 decentralized State
resources, transferring social policies to subnational governments, forming a federative context in which municipalities should
have financial and decision-making autonomy.
Results: A proposal for a methodological course is presented, comprising elements of sub-capacities (administrative, regulatory,
institutional, fiscal, political, financial, analytical and evaluative), approaches (quanti-quali), capacity levels (macro, meso, micro),
objectives / results of the State and public served. ?e proposal also includes the “two-way” interference of actions and skills
between levels, resources, sub-capacities and policy objectives, signaling overlaps and processes of transformation and innovation
of municipal and social public structures.

Originality: ?e literature on municipal state capacities has shown to be extensive, however, it has not pointed out paths capable
of analyzing, evaluating and operationalizing municipal capacities. ?e proposed methodological path may support the search for
understanding municipal state capacities, their composition, practice and results for society.
?eoretical and practical contributions: ?e research agenda and methodological path shi?s between scope and/or depth,
integrating multiple approaches, different possibilities of research designs, and looking for different sources and analysis
techniques, in a multiparadigmatic perspective.


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How to Cite

Grossi Silva, R., & Machado Valadão Júnior, V. (2022). State capacities in municipalities: Proposal for a Research Agenda and Methodological Path. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 14(4).


