Applying Nudges in São Paulo: All Good, Except for the Data!




Context: In July 2019, the (011).lab team, a government innovation laboratory of São Paulo, is close to completing its first major nudge project — using behavioral sciences to influence citizens’ behavior. This project it is a classic application, in which interventions are made in tax collection letters to reduce delinquency and increase the amount collected.

Dilemma: After running the experiment, the project managers face the challenge of being able to access data, a fundamental step for the statistical analyses necessary to evaluate the outcome of their interventions. The team of the Secretariat of Finance, the initiative partners, is afraid to share this data on account of the Tax Secrecy Act.

Case closure: The reader has to decide whether it is possible to follow with simpler analysis, without access to data, or if there is an alternative to gain access and insist on full analysis.


Keywords:Behavioral sciences, Nudge, Public innovation, Public innovation laboratories, Public policy implementation.


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How to Cite

Nogueira, F., Pfeifer, F., & Storino, F. (2023). Applying Nudges in São Paulo: All Good, Except for the Data!. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 15(3).



Teaching Case