Social Marketing Strategies adopted in the Next Minute Law Campaign




Research objective: to understand the decisions regarding the definition of the target audience and the strategies adopted for the execution of the campaign.

Theoretical framework: seeks, through the lens of Social Marketing and its strategies, to describe and analyze the Lei do Minuto Seguinte campaign, a law that guarantees emergency, complete and free care in hospitals of the Unified Health System (SUS) to victims of sexual violence.

Methodology: of a qualitative nature, this article is a case study of the Lei do Minuto Seguinte campaign, launched in 2018, from an initiative of the Regional Attorney for Citizens' Rights of São Paulo, an agency of the Federal Public Ministry in collaboration with the Associação Brazilian Association of Advertising Agencies (ABAP).

Results: it was noticed that the primary audience were women and that the campaign had institutional and voluntary support, occurring in an unstructured way. Added to this, the lack of knowledge of the laws that guarantee assistance to women is significant.

Originality: carrying out a case study using the theoretical lens of Social Marketing in order to evaluate the process of launching a campaign whose subject is tenuous and worrying for the quality of life in Brazil.

Theoretical and practical contributions: the need to evaluate and validate the effects of the campaign's actions from its launch to date was noted. In addition, it was possible to identify those new campaigns need to educate different audiences involved indirectly, such as men and children, and, consequently, new research needs to be carried out in order to understand the impacts of each campaign launched whose objective is to change the behavior of the individual. and society as a whole.


Keywords:“Lei do Minuto Seguinte”, Violence against women, Social Marketing.


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Author Biographies

Valéria Ermes Santos, Universidade Federal do Cariri

Graduated in Business Administration from the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA). Former scholarship holder of the Institutional Program for Scientific and Technological Initiation (PIICT) of the Federal University of Cariri, developing a project focused on Management in Social Entities.

Beatriz Gondim-Matos, Federal University of Cariri

Professor of the Administration Course at the Federal University of Cariri. He holds a degree in Business Administration from the Universidade Estadual do Ceará (2007), a master's degree in Administration and Controllership (2010) from the Federal University of Ceará and a PhD from the Postgraduate Program in Administration of the Federal University of Pernambuco with a sandwich period at the Breda University of Applied Sciences (NHTV), Netherlands. Leader of the Center for Studies in Business, Strategy and Consumption (NEC) at the Federal University of Cariri and researcher at the Research Group on Gastronomy, Hospitality and Tourism (Ghosto) at the University of São Paulo. Research Productivity Scholarship, Stimulation of Internalization and Technological Innovation - BPI (FUNCAP). Extension Coordinator of the Administration Course. Has experience in Administration, with emphasis on Services Marketing and Consumer Behavior. Currently, she researches the themes of collaborative consumption, resilience and creativity, tourism (creative and cultural), placemaking, narratives (storytelling). Maxqda research support software instructor.

Patrick Wendell Barbosa Lessa, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Master's student in Business Administration at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Graduated in Business Administration from Universidade Federal do Cariri, former scholarship holder of the Tutorial Education Program of Administration (PETADM-UFCA), he served as Director of Projects and Marketing and led projects that encompassed the pillars of UFCA (Research, Teaching, Extension and Culture ). Former scholarship holder of the Institutional Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBIC - CNPq) in the project Flexibilization of Labor Relations in the Sharing Economy: a study in the Brazilian Northeast. Former PIBIC - CNPq fellow of the Collaborative Consumption and Creative Economy project in the Cariri region. Researcher at the Center for Studies in Business, Strategy and Consumption, developing works on creative tourism. He is interested in the areas of Marketing-Consumer Behavior, Impulse Buying (Retail, E-commerce, Social Media), and Finance (Cryptocurrencies).



How to Cite

Santos, V. E., Gondim-Matos, B., & Lessa, P. W. B. (2023). Social Marketing Strategies adopted in the Next Minute Law Campaign. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 15(3).


