Autogestão, Cooperativismo, AssociativismoAbstract
The purpose of this essay is to stimulate reflection on the concept and practice of selfmanagement through the experiences analysis or self-management efforts. For this test, two types of experiences which took place in the São Francisco Valley were the bases for such a purpose (The Sao Francisco Valley is the region bordering the São Francisco River in Minas Gerais, state in the southeast, Bahia and Pernambuco, both in the northeast, in Brazil). One refers to the implementation of agricultural cooperatives in the irrigated areas of the region by CODEVASF(the Development Company of the Valleys of San Francisco and Parnaíba). An experience full of things that made difficult the self-managed process. The other relates to the creation of rural settlement Mandacaru, in which case you may notice elements of the process of self-management. What one learn from this reanalysis ,is that self-management must be seen as a way in alternatives to labor relations searching arising from a exploratory system and not a goal to be attained. It must be seen as a process of great social value to the individuals involved.
Key-Words: Self-management. Cooperativism. Association.
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