Appreciative Inquiry in Non-Governmental Organizations and Strategic Planning: Theoretical and Empirical Discussion of a Case Study





Sustentabilidade em Organizações Não Governamentais, Modelo 5-D, Movimento Pró-Criança


The study aims to establish a theoretical and empirical discussion that focuses on the use of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) in the strategic planning process of Movimento Pró-Criança (MPC) (Brazilian non-profit entity for poor children living in the metropolitan region of Recife - PE). The theoretical framework emphasizes independent topics: (a) the search for sustainability of the NGOs to make their mission viable; (b) the strategic planning process for the NGOs; and (c) the approach of AI as a strategy for organizational transformation. The work was conducted through action research by applying the 5-D model (D-1 Definition, Discovery D-2, D-3 Dream, Design D-4 and D-5 Destiny), which articulates theory/methodology while treating participants as protagonists of the work put into practice, especially in the recreation of the mission of MPC. Lastly, the conclusion is that, based on the affirmative topic selected by the participants, who built guide-ideas and provocative propositions developed under this process, MPC has key elements to reach the desired future in the coming years.

Keywords: Sustainability in Non-Governmental Organizations, 5-D Model, Movimento Pró-Criança.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, R. R. (2012). Appreciative Inquiry in Non-Governmental Organizations and Strategic Planning: Theoretical and Empirical Discussion of a Case Study. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 4(2), 172–201.


