Non-Incremental Changes in Historical Neo-Institutionalist Context: Explaining “Critical Junctures”


  • Beni Trojbicz EAESP-FGV



marco teórico, políticas públicas, neo-institucionalismo histórico e neo-institucionalismo da escolha racional.


This is a theoretical paper which proposes a framework for policy analysis that features long-term processes and non-incremental changes. It assumes that this sort of analysis difficulty lies on the need to combine the influence of continuity elements with moments of rupture, the well-known dilemma of Social Sciences between structure and action. This paper proposes a solution to this issue that  associates two theoretical fields of institutionalism, apparently contradictory - the Historical institutionalism (HI) and the institutionalism of Rational Choice (IER) .The text indicates the conditions for combined use and employs the Elinor Ostrom´s theoretical framework "Institutional Analysis and Development Framework" (IAD) to detail the analysis. As Ostrom´s framework aims common resources issues, this proposal becomes especially relevant for problems related to oil exploration, irrigation, forest resources, ecological systems, biodiversity preservation, cooperatives, fishing, etc.

Key-Words: theoretical framework, public Policy, historical neo-institucionalism, rational choice neo-institucionalism.


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Author Biography

Beni Trojbicz, EAESP-FGV

Pós-doutorando em Administração Pública e Governo




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How to Cite

Trojbicz, B. (2016). Non-Incremental Changes in Historical Neo-Institutionalist Context: Explaining “Critical Junctures”. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 1(2), 76–84.


