Microcredit and Micro-Entrepreneur: the case of Crediamigo in Vale do Jequitinhonha, in Minas Gerais
Microcrédito, Vale do Jequitinhonha, Microempreendedores, Cluster AnalysisAbstract
Microcredit has awakened the interest of rulers due to its supposed capacity to fight poverty and create economic development opportunities in areastraditionally less-favored economically. However, little has been studied about the microenterprises that utilize this type of financing. This paper seeks to clarify
how microcredit influences the promotion of entrepreneurship in Vale do Jequitinhonha. In order to explain this phenomenon, a survey with micro entrepreneurs
that were served by Crediamigo was conducted. The collected data was grouped by means of cluster analysis. The data analysis made it possible to verify that
microcredit has a positive influence upon the profitability and cash flow emanation in businesses, once it provides the means for the generation of working capital
in better conditions. Still, this positive influence relation was not observed when it came to job creation, since a big part of it is composed of individual workers.
Keywords: Microcredit, Vale do Jequitinhonha, Micro-Entrepreneurs, Cluster Analysis
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