Whose is that wealth? Discussing responsibilities and mining in the Global South


  • Nicole Spohr FGV-EAESP// FGV-EBAPE
  • Amon Barros FGV-EAESP
  • Marcus Vinícius Peinado Gomes FGV-EAESP




mineradoras, Relação empresa-comunidade, Governança Global, Multinacionais


This teaching case describes a conflict involving a mining company, a civil society organization and the community affected by the company's
operations. Although the focus is on the manager of the Brazilian multinational, the case leaves room for reflection on the performance of any of the characters.
The data was collected from documents and on-site interviews, and the case is directed to management students, Public Administration students and
International Relations students, especially on the issues of business and human rights, corporate social responsibility, corporate citizenship and international
Palavras-chave: Mineradoras; Relação Empresa-comunidade; Governança Global; Multinacionais.
Key Words: Mining Companies; Business and Society; Global Governance; Multinationals.


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Author Biographies


Doutoranda em administração de empresas na FGV-EAESP. Professora na FGV-EBAPE.

Amon Barros, FGV-EAESP

Professor assistente - FGV-EAESP. Doutor em administração pelo CEPEAD-UFMG, com estágio sanduíche na Lancaster University Management School.

Marcus Vinícius Peinado Gomes, FGV-EAESP

Professor na FGV-EAESP. Doutor em administração pública pela FGV-EAESP com estágio sanduíche na Cardiff University.

De quem é a Riqueza que Está Ali? Discutindo Direitos Humanos na Exploração de Minério no Sul Global


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How to Cite

Spohr, N., Barros, A., & Gomes, M. V. P. (2016). Whose is that wealth? Discussing responsibilities and mining in the Global South. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 1(3), 198–200. https://doi.org/10.21118/apgs.v1i3.4903



Teaching Case