Change of Posture? Citizen Conduct in the Use of Plastic Bag in Retail
sacola plástica, lei 9.529/08, sustentabilidade, Belo Horizonte, conduta cidadãAbstract
This paper discusses the posture of citizens, government and business related to the challenges of building actions and policies that renew consumer practices related to sustainability, specifically in relation to the law 9.529/08, that prohibits the free distribution of plastic bags at retail, adopted for the first time in Belo Horizonte, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Besides the study about the conduct of government of Belo Horizonte city and organs involved with the approval of the law, the acceptance of the change by the citizens was also discussed. ?e qualitative study involved interviews with consumers about the law, in addition to conducting interviews with representatives of the municipal legislative, government and business about the law. In the case of the ban of plastic bags in the city of Belo Horizonte, failures were identified that did not allow the full implementation of the law's action plan, despite a reduction in the use of bags. Keywords: Plastic Bags, Consumption, Sustainability, Local Power, Belo Horizonte.Downloads
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