Vol. 4 No. 4 (2012)

Dear readers,

The Revistade AdministraçãoPública e Gestão Social – APGS– closes this year with news, aiming to increasinglyalign itself with the good practices of scientific publication made in the area of Applied Social Sciences and related areas.

In such way, the APGS journal was registered at the InstitutoBrasileiro de Ciência da Informação e Tecnologia – IBICT (Brazilian Institute of Information Science and Technology) and has joined the AssociaçãoBrasileira de EditoresCientíficos – ABEC (Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors).

Among the news, intending to internationalize the APGS journal, in the year of 2013, only the papers that are in accordance to the citation and reference rules of the American Psychology Association – APA – shall be accepted in the submission process. Adding to that, the editorial crew aimed to broaden it by inviting researchers from Portugal and Spain, during a visit made by the editor to the Instituto de Gobierno y PoliticasPublicas – IGOP – of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and to the University of Lisbon and University of the Algarve.

The first article of this edition is the result of this internationalization process, written by Geraldo César Diegues, Doctoral Student in Management at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro of Portugal. It analyses the role of the local government in the process of supplying channels of participation and institutionalizing such channels for an effective management of the public policies.

DiferentesDemocracias e a Regulamentação da Propaganda paraCrianças (Different Democracies and the Regulation of the Propaganda for Children) is the title of the second article, written by Carolina Fabris Ferreira, master’s degree student in Public Management and Government Studies at the FundaçãoGetúlio Vargas – FGV – in São Paulo, Brazil. The author analyses the differences in the regulation of the propaganda for children and verifies if it has any relation to the democracy models in different countries.

Entre o Potencial de Transformação Local e osEntraves do Programa de Aquisição de AlimentosnaCidade de Viçosa-MG (Between the Potential of Local Transformation and the Barriers of Food Acquisition Program in the city of Viçosa/MG), a work written by the academic TamirisCristhinaResende da Silva and the professors Rodrigo Gava, JaderFernandesCirino and Arlindo Silva, all from the Universidade Federal deViçosa (UFV), composed the third article within this edition. The authors investigated the barriers that prevent family farmers to increase their income by Food Acquisition Program (PAA), linked toFome Zero Program, from the Federal Government in Brazil.

The fourth article discusses the “Solidarity Economy in Vale do São Francisco: the Relationship between Solidarity Enterprises and Local Power in a Endogenous Development Perspective” (Economia Solidária no Vale do São Francisco: a Relação entre Empreendimentos Solidários e Poder Local na Perspectiva do Desenvolvimento Endógeno), by José Raimundo Cordeiro Neto, from the Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco – UNIVASF–, Ariádne Scalfoni Rigo, Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBA–, and Airton Cardoso Cançado, Universidade Federal do Tocantins – UFT–.

In the article named Participatory Budget: vision of thepregraduate student in public management (Orçamentoparticipativo: a visão do graduandoemgestãopública), professor Richard Medeiros de Araújo and Jorge Morais Maia, both from the Centro Universitário FACEX – UNIFACEX –in Rio Grande do Norte, closethis 2012 volume by identifying the perception of public management students about the adoption of participatory budget as an effective management technique in Brazilian reality, exposing prospects for training in Public Administration and Social Management.

Have a pleasant readingand a happy 2013!

Prof. Magnus LuizEmmendoerfer,


Published: 2012-12-19