Vol. 4 No. 2 (2012)

Dear Readers,

The second issue of the fourth volume of the Administração Pública e Gestão Social journal (APGS) brings good news about the actions that were made by the publishing team during the second quarter of 2012. The good news are: the inclusion of the journal on the Spell index – Scientific Periodicals Electronic Library - and partnership with PVvlica – Instituto de Políticas Públicas, a Think Tank, in which the members organize researches (including content from researches published in scientific periodic such as APGS) and recommend actions in form of reports (Policy reports) to subsidize the decision taking of the managers within the public politics.

This issue has five articles, with the first four resulting from a fast track process, made with the best researches from the VI Encontro Nacional de Pesquisadores em Gestão Social (ENAPEGS - VI National Meeting of Social Management Researchers), which took place in May this year, in the Pontífica Universidade Católica (PUC).

The first article Decisão Coletiva e Desenvolvimento Local: O Caso do Programa Nacional de Produção Sustentável de Óleo de Palma em Concórdia do Pará (Collective Decision and Local Development: The Case of the National Program for Palm Oil Sustainable Production in Concórdia do Pará), by Yana Moura de Sousa, Ana Maria de Albuquerque Vasconcellos and Mário Vasconcellos Sobrinho, respectively, the first two authors from Universidade da Amazônia (UNAMA) and the third author from Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), analyzes the collective decision making process on the management of the Programa Nacional de Produção Sustentável de Óleo de Palma (National Program for Palm Oil Sustainable Production) in a Brazilian city.

Os Fatores Críticos de Sucesso na Gestão de Organizações Não Governamentais (Critical Success Factors in the Management of Non-Governmental Organizations) is the second article of this issue. Antônio Oliveira de Carvalho, from the Instituto Brasileiro de Consultores de Organização, and Elvia Mirian Cavalcanti Fadul, professor at the Universidade de Salvador - Laureate International Universities and collaborator to the Post graduation on Administration Nucleus of the Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), analyzed the critical factors of success on the management, that have impact on the development, on the fundraising and on the relations with the funding sources, in Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

In the third article entitled Investigação Apreciativa em Organizações Não Governamentais e Planejamento Estratégico: Discussão Teórico-Empírica de um Estudo (Appreciative Inquiry in Non-Governmental Organizations and Strategic Planning: Theoretical and Empirical Discussion of a Case Study), written by teacher Rezilda Rodrigues Oliveira from the Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, discusses the use of the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) method in strategic planning process of the Movimento Pró-Criança (MPC).

Written by Tania Pereira Christopoulos and Maria da Gloria Cardoso Ferreira, both from the Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades (EACH) of the Universidade de São Paulo (USP), the fourth article verifies if there is a potential influence of Bolsa Família Program on the consumption behavior of low-income individuals.

The last article, Análise dos Conselhos Gestores de Políticas Públicas à Luz dos Relatórios de Fiscalização da Controladoria Geral da União (Analysis of Public Policy Management Councils in the light of the Audit Reports of Controladoria Gerald a União), of authorship of Simone Martins, professor at Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV) and Doctorate student in Administration at CEPEAD at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Ivan Beck Ckagnazaroff, professor at UFMG and Mariana Luisa da Costa Lage, Masters student in Administration at UFV, examines the implications of flaws on the functioning of these Administrative Councils for the Public Governance in Brazil.

Besides all this, we are pleased to inaugurate, beginning with this edition, the publication of editorials also available in English, in order to contribute to the disclosure of international scientific works about Public Administration and Social Management. Therefore, we invite you to read the APGS Mhagazine, wishing everyone a pleasant reading!


Prof. Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer


Published: 2012-11-22