
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1) The submission has not been previously published, nor is it presented to another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
    2) The submission file is in the DOCX document file format, following the jCEC template.
    3) The COVER PAGE FOR AUTHORS FORM must be included as a supplementary document.
    4) If the article is accepted for publication, the authors acknowledge that they must pay the corresponding publication fee, defined by the Editorial Team, in the link:
  • I have submited two files (Manuscript paper and Cover Letter) and I read all the previous items and I agree with them.
  • Our Standard Publication Fee is:  200.00 (BRL) ( 200.00 -300.00-400.00 reais/BRL)

Author Guidelines


Author Guidelines

The journal accepts manuscripts in Portuguese, English and Spanish for publication. Bilingual manuscripts, submitted in continuous flow, will be exempt from publication fee (APC), if accepted. Papers previously presented at scientific events in the area, whose abstract and/or full version have been published in annals, may be submitted to the journal, and the Editorial Board will decide to publish them, provided that the authors submit the certificate or proof of presentation. It is recommended that the version to be published in the journal includes the discussions and advances obtained from the discussion of the work in the scientific event in which it was previously presented.

  1. See and carefully read the tutorials:
  2. The author of the submission must register on our Portal, under:  in the AUTHOR, READER and, if applicable, REVIEWER profiles.

  1. The following elements will be required for submission:

C1. Required information:

  • Title of the manuscript, in PORTUGUESE/SPANISH.
  • Title of the manuscript, in ENGLISH.
  • Manuscript summary, in PORTUGUESE/SPANISH.
  • Manuscript summary, in ENGLISH.
  • Keywords of the manuscript, in PORTUGUESE/SPANISH.
  • Keywords of the manuscript, in ENGLISH.
  • Authors:
  1. Order of authorship
  2. Full Name (divided into FIRST NAMES + SURNAME). Please read the Importance of Name Standardization link.
  3. Contact email
  4. ORCID - do not insert into OJS system. INSERT ONLY in the manuscript, in the authorship field and in the Cover document.
  5. Country
  6. Institution.

C2. MANDATORY Documents:

  • Handwritten document in .docx format, COMPLETE, WITH author identification, according to instructions:

  • Cover Page For Authors Form Document, in SINGLE FILE, .pdf format, completed and signed by the author of the submission on all pages, as instructed.

  1. After (B) and with all the required elements and documents (C), one of the authors - SUBMISSION AUTHOR - must log into the system, in the AUTHOR Profile and submit the manuscript. Note: It will take 5 steps to make the submission. To start: select the NEW SUBMISSION push button and follow the INSTRUCTIONS:


Submission Language/Submission Language: select whether the manuscript is written in ENGLISH or in PORTUGUESE/SPANISH.

Section/Section: Select the appropriate section:

  • GENERAL PAPERS: for general submissions in continuous flow.
  • INVITATION (or other specific section, as per the INVITATION): for submissions for which a prior invitation by the Editorial Board has been made.

Manuscript Submission Requirements/Submission Requirements: Read and select/check all requirements.

Corresponding Contact/Corresponding Contact: Select.

Accept the copyright statement/Acknowledge the copyright statement: read and select/check both items.

Click on the SAVE AND CONTINUE command button.



Components of the article => Manuscript Paper (DOCX) => Click on SEND FILE => UPLOAD the manuscript in DOCX => CONTINUE => CONTINUE.

Press the SEND A NEW FILE button: follow the same procedures as above and upload the OTHER DOCUMENTS:

Cover Page For Authors Form (PDF) – (MANDATORY)

Click on the SAVE AND CONTINUE command button.




Title: Full title of the manuscript: DON'T Use Upper Box.– (MANDATORY: PORTUGUESE AND ENGLISH). Example: “Title with lower case, no period and no quotation marks, no bold, no italic”.

Caption: DO NOT FILL IN.

Summary: copy and paste the manuscript. – (MANDATORY: PORTUGUESE/SPANISH AND ENGLISH).


Name: Full name of each author/co-author (divided into First Names + Last Last Name. Example So-and-so Ciclano de Beltrano: First Name: So-and-So Ciclano de; Last Name: Beltrano).– (MANDATORY)

How do you prefer to be treated? Treatment pronouns, middle names and suffixes can be added here: DO NOT FILL IN.

Contact: author/coauthor email.– (MANDATORY)

Country: author's country of residence/work. - (MANDATORY)

Complementary Data: DO NOT FILL OUT.

Institution/Affiliation: .– (MANDATORY)

Biography Summary: DO NOT FILL OUT.

Contributor role: select AUTHOR. - (MANDATORY)


Click on the SAVE command button.

If necessary, you can use the Sort feature. (authors' names must be ordered in the same sequence as that of the manuscript, in the authorship field).

Keywords: copy and paste the manuscript, separately, each keyword. (MANDATORY: PORTUGUESE/SPANISH AND ENGLISH).

Click on the SAVE AND CONTINUE command button.



Click on the END SUBMISSION command button.


STEP 5/5 – NEXT STEPS: Submission complete. An automatic submission confirmation message will be sent, with its identification number. Always refer to this number when contacting the Journal.

  1. Standards/Additional Information:

E1) Template:

E2) Cover Page for Authors Form:

E3) After submission, the article will be sent by the Editor for evaluation for similarities and/or plagiarism, through analysis in the iThenticate tool, according to Editorial Policy:

E4) If necessary, messages will be exchanged between the Editorial Board and the Authors for adjustments.

E5) Will be archived/REJECTED:

E5.1) Submissions with manuscripts out of format/template.

E5.2) Submissions with manuscripts with textual/typing/configuration problems, etc.

E5.3) Submissions with manuscripts, with percentage of similarities/plagiarism above 20% OR even with similarities below 20%, if any possible source of plagiarism is identified. See additional information at

E5.4) Submissions without authorship or co-authorship by at least one author, with a PhD.

E5.5) Incomplete submissions (absence of documents and/or data registration in the OJS system).

E6) In case of acceptance of the manuscript for publication, it may take place within the schedule defined by the Editorial Board.

E7) The email to contact the journal is: When communicating with the journal, always inform the submission identification number in the message subject field (this number is available in the OJS system and in messages previously sent by the Editorial Board).

E8) The publication of manuscripts is subject to the payment of fees, as shown below. Manuscripts or invited authors are exempt from any fee - in this case, when filling out the Cover, it must be indicated that it is an INVITATION, with exemption.




Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement

Licença Creative Commons
Este obra está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.

[EN] The names, email addresses and any additional information entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. The authors are exclusively responsible for the content of the papers published in this journal, in accordance with the law no. 9.610 of February 19, 1998 (Law on Copyright and Neighboring Rights). Thus, this journal is only responsible for the evaluation of the articles as scientific publications.

[PT] Os nomes, endereços e dados adicionais informados pelos autores e avaliadores serão usados, exclusivamente, para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros. O conteúdo dos artigos publicados é de responsabilidade exclusiva do(s) autor(es), observando a Lei de Direito Autoral n 9.610, de 19 de fevereiro de 1998. Portanto, cabe ao periódico apenas a responsabilidade da avaliação dos artigos, no contexto de uma publicação de caráter científico.

[ES] Los nombre, direcciones y datos adicionales informados por los autores y evaluadores serán usados exclusivamente para los servicios prestados por esta publicación y no serán divulgados para cualquier otra finalidad o a terceros.  El contenido de los artículos publicados es de responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores, en consonancia con la Lei de Direito Autoral nº 9610, de 19 de febrero de 1998. Al periódico tan solo le cabe la responsabilidad de la evaluación de los artículos en el contexto de una publicación de carácter científico.