Impacts of photovoltaic distributed generators in a low voltage power distribution network




Distributed generators, Photovoltaic generators, Secondary power distribution network


This paper aims to simulate, through a computational tool, a secondary power distribution network and to analyze the impacts observed in power quality factors after photovoltaic distributed generators are placed in the network. A base case was defined, representing the original network, without the presence of distributed generators. Distributed photovoltaic generators were placed in the base case, resulting in six cases that represent different scenarios whose difference is the number of generators distributed along the network. From scenario 1 to scenario 6 increases the presence of distributed generation in the network and, for each case, quantities are analyzed such as: losses in the distribution transformer, total losses in the lines, active power delivered to the network by the distribution transformer, power in the secondary of the distribution transformer and voltage in the buses. The sixth simulation scenario represents a critical scenario. Results point to problems that cannot be accepted, given Brazilian law. Therefore, changes in the network are suggested in order to mitigate the negative impacts of the connection of generators distributed on the network, observed in scenario 6. Such changes were implemented and scenario 6 has been simulated again so that the efficiency of each proposed change was evaluated. Simulations and results presented in this work show that the presence of photovoltaic generators distributed in secondary power distribution networks can cause both positive and negative impacts. Thus, the importance of studies about such impacts are evidenced.


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How to Cite

Castilhos, L. P., & Donadel, C. B. (2022). Impacts of photovoltaic distributed generators in a low voltage power distribution network. The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 8(6), 14685–01i.


