Finite element simulation of ECAP strain of commercially pure titanium


  • Vagner dos Anjos Costa Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brasil
  • Wilton Walter Batista Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brasil



ECAP, Severe plastic deformation, Titanium, Finite elements


ECAP is a process of severe plastic deformation of materials, which seeks to refine the granulometry in the microstructure. Materials processed by ECAP show improvements in their mechanical properties, such as the association between the increase in mechanical strength and the increase in ductility. The process variables that interfere in the microstructural refinement are: matrix types, processing route and number of deformations passes. In the ECAP matrix used in the deformation process, the channel and curvature angles determine the efficiency of the microstructural refining, which can enable different technological applications for the processed materials. The present work has the objective of virtually evaluating the strain levels by eight passes via ECAP of titanium in a commercially pure state, in a matrix with a channel angle of 120º. The specimen and matrix were numerically modeled and simulated by finite elements through the modeling interface and simulation environment in Abaqus – 2020 version with student license. The ECAP matrix was registered using parameters of a rigid body material, that is, it did not undergo deformation during the entire process, given that the interest was to analyze the deformations of the material studied. The physical parameters were previously established by registering the physical and mechanical variables in the software. The material was subjected to eight deformation passes in the ECAP matrix, in a processing route A, and the results were analyzed to verify the total deformations that the material was subjected to. It was thus possible to previously analyze its later physical application with greater reliability, greater knowledge of the material to be worked on the specimens, greater savings with the anticipation of problems that precede the actual experimental practice, thus avoiding errors and obtaining greater accuracy in its treatment.


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How to Cite

Costa, V. dos A., & Batista, W. W. (2022). Finite element simulation of ECAP strain of commercially pure titanium. The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 8(6), 14740–01i.


