Feasibility of Boiler Implementation in the Production Process of a Cosmetic Industry





Industrial boiler. Heat transfer. Financial analysis. Cosmetic Industry.


This work aims to present a study of the feasibility of implementing a steam generation boiler in the production process of a hair cosmetics factory. For that, bibliographic research of the variables that influence the operation was carried out. Later, a case study with the collection and treatment of data and information provided by the factory was obtained. The monthly energy demand of the factory and the cost of the current process for maintenance of productions was calculated and the results were compared with the process to be implemented. To make the implementation decision, taking into account the financial return on the project's investment, the mathematical tools of Net Present Value - NPV and payback were used. Reducing the amount of energy consumed in the factory is fundamentally important for its sustainable development in order to reduce costs and contribute economically to a better cost-benefit of operation, given the high cost of electricity in Brazil. The boiler implementation project achieved results different from those initially expected, however, an economically satisfactory alternative was achieved for the factory.


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How to Cite

Marques, R. J. S., Campos, J. C. C., Tibiriçá, Álvaro M. B., Rezende, V. da S., & Siqueira, A. M. de O. (2023). Feasibility of Boiler Implementation in the Production Process of a Cosmetic Industry. The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 9(2), 15138–01e. https://doi.org/10.18540/jcecvl9iss2pp15138-01e



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