Application of doses of freeze-dried extract from Moringa oleifera seeds in water treatment
Natural coagulant , Powder , Drying , SeedsResumo
Despite the proven performance and cost-effectiveness of chemical coagulants, natural coagulants are being studied. Among them, Moringa oleifera has been investigated more intensively as it contains proteins that are efficient in the alternative treatment of water for human consumption. The objective of the research was to use water with pH, turbidity and apparent color with levels above that allowed by Brazilian legislation and to treat it with freeze-dried extract of moringa seeds in different doses, selecting the best one for each parameter studied. The study was conducted at the Laboratory for Processing and Storing of Agricultural Products, at the Federal University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande, PB, Brazil. The extract was obtained as a result of the freeze-drying method. Three water quality parameters were evaluated: pH, turbidity and apparent color. Doses of 12, 16, 18 and 24 g/500 mL of freeze-dried extract of moringa seeds were used. Jar tests were performed at 160 rpm. The application of different doses of the freeze-dried extract resulted in pH according to the limits required by Brazilian legislation for drinking water. Based on the best efficiencies in pH, reduction of turbidity and color, doses of 24 g/500 mL were selected for pH and turbidity and 16 g/500 mL g for the apparent color.
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