Can portable analyzers be reliable for biogas characterization?
Covered lagoon biodigesters, Biogas, Anaerobic digestion, Methane, Pig farmingResumo
Anaerobic digestion for treatment of swine wastewater is an attractive alternative, among other aspects, for the generation of biogas. This gas is composed predominantly of methane and can be converted into electrical and thermal energy. However, the knowledge of the biogas composition is of paramount importance, especially regarding the methane content due to its energetic properties. The alternatives for this determination usually require high cost and specialized technicians. Therefore, the search for simple and low cost alternative solutions and techniques can improve the biogas use as an energy source and favor energy sustainability in pig farming. The present study aimed to compare the results of the methane composition of a portable analyzer with that of a Gasboard gas analyzer. The biogas was collected and characterized in a full cycle swine farm from January to December 2019 in the municipality of Teixeiras (MG), Brazil. The methane composition values did not differ statistically for a 5% significance level between the evaluated methods. The use of the portable kit is a simple and low cost alternative in determining the methane content in biogas and can be used reliably.
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