Climatological water balance and climate classification of thornthwaite and mather for benin, west Africa, in 1970-2015 period
Climatological water balance and climate classification of thornthwaite and mather for benin, west Africa, in 1970-2015 period
Evapotranspiration, Rainfall, Water deficit, Water surplusResumo
The climate is described by the predominant atmospheric conditions in a particular region and influences several human activities. In agriculture, water availability defines the growth and yield of crops and can be obtained by the water balance. The climate classification also aids to identify suitable areas for agricultural crops. Thus, the aim of this work was to elaborate the water balance and perform the climate classification through the method of Thornthwaite and Mather (1955) for six weather stations (Bohicon, Cotonou-Airport, Kandi-Airport, Natitingou, Parakou-Airport and Savè) located in Benin, Western Africa. For the execution of this work, monthly series of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration from 1970 to 2015 were used. Once the monthly water balance of the six seasons was elaborated, it was observed that the rainy (dry) period decreases (increases) from the coast (Cotonou-Airport) to the north of Benin (Kandi-Airport) and, coincides with Boreal summer and part of autumn (Boreal winter and part of spring). Regarding the climate classification, the Cotonou-Airport station was characterized as Subhumid Megathermal climate with moderate winter deficit (C2wA’a’); the stations of Bohicon and Savè presented similar climate classification with Subhumid Dry Megathermal climate with low or without water surplus (C1dA’a’); Natitingou with Subhumid Dry climate Megathermal with large summer surplus (C1s2A’a’); Parakou-Airport with Subhumid climate Dry Megathermic with moderate summer surplus (C1sA’a’) and, Kandi-Airport presented Semi-arid Megathermal climate with moderate summer surplus (DsA’a’). In Benin, subsistence and rainfed farming showed greater risk in the north of the country due to the decrease in the rainy season and the water surplus from the coast (south) to the north of the country, with the increase in aridity.
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