Reuse of aquaculture wastewater treated in constructed wetlands
Dissolved oxygen, Nile tilapia, Water quality, Water recirculationResumo
Water reuse in fish farming is a practice that has been spreading significantly, therefore requiring more efficient and vigorous treatment systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential reuse of aquaculture wastewater after being treated in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands (HSSF-CW). Three HSSF-CWs with dimensions of 1.0 m in width, 3.0 m in length, and 0.30 m in depth were evaluated. One HSSF-CW had stargrass (Cynodon nlemfuensis) cultivated; the other had cattail (Typha latifolia), and the third was used as a control, where there was no cultivation. The wastewater was provided from three Nile tilapia breeding tanks, which recirculated the entire system after going through the HSSF-CW. The following variables were determined every five days at the HSSF-CW influent and effluent: temperature, pH, turbidity, electrical conductivity, redox potential, dissolved oxygen, ammonium, and nitrate. The treatment in the HSSF-CW allowed the reuse of aquaculture wastewater as it provides water quality levels according to the recommendation for Nile tilapia breeding. Furthermore, the water quality parameters monitored in HSSF-CW effluent remained within limits established by CONAMA Resolution No. 357/2005 for aquaculture and fishing activity.
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