Performance of constructed wetland system using different species of macrophytes in the treatment of domestic sewage treatment
Wastewater, Evapotranspiration, Horizontal wetlands, Typha ssp., Cyperus giganteus, Pearson correlationsResumo
The objective is to assess the initial performance of a constructed wetland system and the development of the macrophyte species cattail(Typha spp.) (CWt), piripiri (Cyperus giganteus) (CWp), and white garland lily (Hedychium coronarium Koehne) (CWl) and an suncultivated (UNc) on the treatment of sewage from toilets and from a restaurant. Changes in hydrogen potential, electrical conductivity, total suspended solids, total solids, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, turbidity, nitrate, ammonium nitrogen, total phosphate, hydraulic retention time (HRT), and potential evapotranspiration (PET) and the development and adaptation of macrophytes were measured. The surface area of ??each constructed wetland (CW) had a surface area of 16.25 m2 and average volume treated of 0.40 m3 d-1, with continuous variable horizontal subsurface flow equally fed with sewage previously treated in three septic tanks in series, with an individual useful volume of 5.100 L. The PET in CWt, CWp and CWl was higher than that of UNc. The highest pH values were obtained in the effluent of CWp, CWt, and CWl. The use of macrophytes did not influence the EC, TS, BOD5,20, COD, and nitrate were lower and ammonium nitrogen and total phosphate were higher in the effluent of CWs and UNc in relation to the influent. The efficiency indexes that showed a very strong Pearson correlations (> 90%) were pH correlated with N-NH4+, turbidity correlated with COD, TS correlated with EC, and BOD5,20 and COD correlated with NO3-.Piripiri and cattails showed the best development of plants in the second half of CW.
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