Conservation conditions of chainsaws and electric chainsaws and safety of the farmers who operate these machines
Regulatory norm, Safety measures, Semi-mechanized operationResumo
The increasing use of chainsaws in rural areas has demanded the health of rural producers who operate these machines. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the conservation conditions of chainsaws with a 2-stroke Otto Cycle engine and check if they meet NR12 Annex V, as well as confirm whether users meet NR31 in terms of training for use. With the aid of a questionnaire and visits to farms, 103 chainsaws were verified in six municipalities in the central region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. After organizing the data in an electronic spreadsheet, descriptive statistics and canonical correlation were performed. The questions were divided into four groups, namely: operational, mandatory machine safety equipment, cutting set, and engine. The conservation condition of the machines was seen as worrisome. This is because it was found that 66.01% of machines did not have a saber guard and 49.51% of these were worn out. In addition, 97.08% of the producers did not take a chainsaw operation course, and 85.44% reported not using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), therefore, in disagreement with the NR6, NR12 Annex V, and NR31 standards. It was clear the need for the operators to carry out training on the safe use and handling of chainsaws.
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