Sugarcane wax extraction using hexane and limonene mixtures
Sugarcane Wax, Agro-Industrial Waste, Solvent Mixture, Green Solvents, LimoneneResumo
Hexane is the most widely solvent used in the lipids extraction process, as the case of the sugarcane wax. However, the use of this solvent is highly harmful to the environment and to human health. Limonene is a monoterpene found in the citrus peel, with great potential for use as a green solvent. In this study, the partial and total substitution of hexane by limonene was performed in the process of the sugarcane peel wax extraction to evaluate the effect of this substitution on the physicochemical characteristics of the wax. The extracted samples were compared with a commercial wax sample (carnauba) using the Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Infrared by Fourier Transform (FTIR) analyses. Through this study, we can conclude that the waxes obtained from the use of the hexane and limonene mixture solvents presented similar physicochemical characteristics to those found in commercial waxes. Thus, the total and/or partial substitution of the hexane by solvents less harmful to health and the environment, such as limonene, can be an alternative in the wax extraction process.
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