An alternative method for identification of industrial tomato hybrids using NIRS
Spectroscopy, PC-LDA, PLS-DA, Solanum lycopersicum LResumo
The use of high productive-potential hybrids was one of the reasons for the increase in productivity in the agricultural segment of tomatoes for industrial processing. Thus, among the cultivars available on the market, in general, those that combine greater productivity with quality and that satisfy the needs of industries are chosen. In this context, the objective of this work was to evaluate the best time to implement near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) as an alternative method for identifying industrial tomato hybrids. Seeds from the hybrids: CRV8126, H9553, HMX4890, TPX28699 were used and 10 spectra were collected from a set of 20 seeds, from cotyledonary leaves of ten seedlings at 15 days after sowing (DAS) and from the true leaf of ten seedlings at 30 DAS. The results showed that the technique of spectroscopy in the near-infrared range, associated with multivariate analysis, allowed the discrimination of the studied hybrids. The phase in which the best results were obtained in the identification of each hybrid was in the seed, obtaining accuracy values above 90.00% and sensitivity of 100.00%, which proves the use of this instrumental technique on a portable scale for tomato hybrids with a high assertiveness rate.
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