Longitudinal distribution of seeds under the action of different conductor tubes and sowing speeds
Sticky belt test, Coefficient of variation, SpacingResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the distribution of longitudinal soybean seeds under the action of different sowing velocities and conductor tubes. The test was carried out on a sticky belt test, equipped with a seed meter, Selenium model, adjusted for seeding of 12 seeds m-1, submitted to four different tubes and three sowing speeds at 5, 7 and 9 km h-1, resulting in a completely randomized experimental design in a factorial scheme. Spacings between seeds were selected, classified as acceptable, misses and multiples, in addition to spacing variations coefficient. The data obtained were submitted to analysis of variance and the averages of the Tukey test levels of 5% error probability. The sowing speed only showed statistical differences for the spacing variables and the average deviation values ??while the conductor tubes showed distinct performance, with the Selenium tube being the one with the highest percentage of average spacings acceptable (98.5%) and smaller average values of ??spacing misses, multiples and coefficient of variation (Cve): 0.67; 0.68 and 18.4% respectively.
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