Construction of a greenhouse prototype with automated control using a low-cost microcontroller and sensors
Family Farming, Automation, ESP32, Google Firebase, Realtime DatabaseResumo
Family farming is of fundamental importance for food supply in the domestic market. It is not enough to monitor the data for a better understanding of the entire operational chain by the small producer. It is also necessary to automate the system actuators, allowing better use of natural resources such as water intended for irrigation and reduced operating costs through adequate control of the system’s energy consumption. This article presents the development design and verification of the functionality of an automated system of a greenhouse prototype using low-cost electronic components and simple implementation. The project made it possible to create a database for future conferences by storing data collected in the cloud using the Google Drive platform and data synchronization via Wi-Fi using the ESP32 microcontroller. The prototype’s efficiency and applicability analysis took place over eight days. Data were collected regarding temperature, soil moisture, relative air humidity, water consumption of the irrigation and humidification system, and electricity consumption. The results obtained allowed the verification of the system’s functionality and the ability to store the data on the Google Drive platform, enabling remote consultation through the web server.
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