Development and validation of cfd model for compost barn with artificial ventilation
Dairy cattle, Computational fluid dynamics, Air velocityResumo
Computer simulation can provide reliable information about fluid flow behavior, including ventilation, in animal production systems. The ventilation system is essential for thermal conditioning, as it favors animal comfort and enhance productivity. The objective of this study was to develop and validate a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) model to analyze the ventilation system in a compost barn. A mesh with greater refinement was used near the air inlet and outlet and the floor, that is, in these regions the mesh number of cells was larger, which makes a denser mesh. For the validation, data on air velocity were collected in the barn to compare with the results of the simulation. Dead zones of ventilation were identified in the barn, there was an increase in the average air velocity at the air outlet, and temperatures and air velocity were found below the optimal recommended by the literature. However, the adjusted model showed good fit with the values measured, indicating that is a good tool to predict the behavior of air velocity. In addition, the detection of ventilation dead zones inside the barn demonstrates the need for a supplementary ventilation system.
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