Minimum number of points for a reliable soil water retention curve using Richards’ pressure chamber
irrigation management, soil physics, soil moistureResumo
The soil hydro-physical characteristics are very important for studies about soil water dynamics. The soil water retention curve it is a soil characteristic sometimes expensive and time consuming to be done and could be a problem for farmers. The numbers of points and its tension evaluated are normally choose arbitrarily. This study aimed to define the fewest pairs of soil moisture and water soil potential points which result in a reliable water retention curve in two different soils (sandy and clay). Using different tensions by suction table and Richards’ pressure chamber, nine replications were adjusted by van Genuchten's equation. Curves with 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 13 points were studied and the curve with 13 points was adopted as standard. The obtained parameters for different pairs of soil moisture and their corresponding soil water potential were compared to the equivalent standard curve and submitted to analysis of variance (F test), and their values were compared by the Scott-Knott test (5% of probability). The curve with 7 points, using the tensions of 0; 40; 100; 300; 1,000; 5,000 e 15,000 hPa, was the lower number of points that did not showed statistical difference in any parameters of the model and the point with 15,000 hPa shown to be important and should be used on the combination of points to obtain a good adjustment.
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