Informational phase of the development of equipment for analysis of direct shear and pre-compaction of the soil
Design methodology, Development of agricultural machinery, Soil physicsResumo
Given the real need for advances in studies such as the relationship of soil-machine dynamics, it is clear that there are almost no innovative systems developed to attend this demand. The design of agricultural machinery and equipment can be facilitated by having information and mechanisms that allow the prediction of the mechanized-set behavior in real work situation, especially regarding the traction effort demanded by the tractor, due to the energy demand of the equipment that interact directly with the soil. Obtaining this information usually requires high-cost imported laboratory equipment. Thus, the objective of this work was to obtain the design specifications for the development of a direct shear and soil pre-compaction analysis equipment with low manufacturing cost. The Phases Methodology was used to obtain the necessary parameters, in the informational phase of the desirable aspects for each design requirement. Through a step-by-step analysis, it was possible to obtain customers’ needs, together with the establishment of the desired criteria, and the design requirements for the new product development was generated. The use of the Phases Model allowed the transformation of customers’ requirements into the design requirements, enabling hierarchization by degree of importance and thus enabling the execution of future steps.
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