Production and post harvest of ‘kent’ mango under different irrigation systems
irrigation management, Mangifera indica L., semiaridResumo
Facing the fruit market’s search for more efficient production systems, this research aimed to identify an arrangement of efficient irrigation systems for the productive and postharvest characteristics of ‘Kent’ mango fruits, under the conditions of the Brazilian semiarid. The research was performed in an agricultural property in the municipality of Petrolina-PE, with the soil classified in Quartzarenic Neosol. Four irrigation system arrangements were tested: a micro sprinkler below the canopy; a micro sprinkler between plants; two lateral dripper lines per row of plant; and a ring-shaped drip strip around the plant in a randomized block design with five repetitions. The productive characteristics were evaluated, such as number and average weight of fruits and productivity; and qualitative parameters (evaluated by plant quadrant): volume, density, firmness, soluble solids content and titratable acidity. A micro sprinkler between plants provided a greater number of fruits and productivity, as well as greater firmness and titratable acidity for mangoes of the South and West quadrants; these characteristics associated with the lowest soluble solids content of the pulp, at the time of harvest, was also obtained with a micro sprinkler between plants and induce a longer post harvest time to the fruits.
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