Water balance estimate of beans using a dynamic systems model based on crop coefficient (Kc) variation
Phaseolus vulgaris, Evapotranspiration, Hydrological model, Water deficit , Water flowsResumo
The crop coefficient (Kc) is one of the most important parameters for studying the water balance, which aims to assess the relationship between growth and production dynamics and the management of water resources in irrigation systems. Thus, in this study, the effect of Kc variation on the water balance was evaluated throughout the bean crop cycle in Northeast Brazil, using a dynamic systems model. The effect of Kc variation scenarios on the water balance in the bean crop in Northeastern Brazil was simulated using the Vensim program. The soil water storage was used as state variable, input flow variable and outflow of water in the soil, and auxiliary variables that influence system flows were also considered. Thus, four simulation scenarios were performed changing values of the bean crop coefficient (Kc = 0.62; Kc = 0.72; Kc = 0.82; Kc = 0.92). The variation in soil water storage showed negative values in most phenological phases, showing significant differences between Kc conditions, depending mainly on the precipitation dynamics.
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