Quality of soy bean grain stored in bag silo
Glycine max, Hermetic storage , Lipid, Modified atmosphere, ProteinResumo
Because of the rise in the use of bag silo in the last harvests due to the lack of static capacity in Brazil, the storage of grain in type of structure is currently seen as a solution to our storage deficit. Thus, the importance of maintaining the quality of grains for commercialization in these systems is considered. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the quality of soybean grain stored in a silo bag, in the region of Dourados, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazilian Central-West. The experiment was carried out in a cooperative, where soybean grain stored in silo bag are collected. The product had been received, processed at the end of the summer harvest and previously stored in metallic silos, and then transferred to the silo bags upon reception of the winter harvest. Thus, soybeans with an average water content of 11% w.b. were packed in bags composed of high-density polyethylene and hermetically sealed over a total period of 125 days, with collections of data on temperature and air relative humidity and grain sampling every 40 days. The collected samples were subjected to plant classification and analyses of water content, water activity, protein, lipids and color parameters were also performed. Na average rise of 5° C was observed in the temperature and 14% for air relative humidity which resulted in the of moldy and fermented grains after 125 days in the bags. The storage period factor was significant (p <0.05) in the variables of water content, color and oil. It was concluded that for soybeans the storage period in hermetic bags influences the quality of the grains and the internal environmental conditions in these structures are influenced by the convective microcurrents observed in the different positions inside the silo bag.
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