Decent work as an harmonizing concept between brazilian constitutional principles human dignity and work valorization
Work, Work valorization, Dignity, Decent workAbstract
Labor conditions, due to cyclical crisis of the Social Welfare State, have been submitted to flexibilizations and setbacks which are provoking an increasing precariousness on industrial relations. Applying constitutional principles, such as human dignity and social valorization of work, cannot be forgotten, for those are part of the normative conjuncture that should function as resistance towards liberal advances. Thus, this study aims to assess the compatibility of those constitutional principles with worker protection, based on the recognition of decent work, a notion proposed by the ILO, through a hermeneutic analysis that considers the shaping role of constitutional text. Finally, a research concludes that a worker, as an individual, must have a dignified existence also guaranteed in life’s working realm, accessed or not by an employment contract, so that all types of human work will be valued as instruments for socioeconomic development.
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