Systemic justice

a possibility to apply the therapeutic justice model in Paraná state




Drugs, Criminal Law, Systemic Justice


In the context of drug addiction, the excesses of punishment are already widely known and alternative measures to incarceration have been adopted for some time. The criminal effects on those involved with drugs are the central problem of this work. As a solution, the hypothesis of systemic justice is presented, an alternative measure that seeks to provide drug users or addicts with access to better social and health conditions. The approach, carried out through the application of dialectical and hypothetical-deductive methods, starts from the context of drug use in Brazil and then presents and confronts the concept of therapeutic justice in order to reach the proposal of systemic justice, which, although based on the former, takes on broader social approaches.


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Author Biographies

Leandro Oss-Emer, Federal University of Paraná

Law student at the Federal University of Paraná; Founding member of the Center for Research in Economic Criminal Law at the Federal University of Paraná (NUPPE-UFPR); Member of the extension project "Jury Group Iuris Trivium" from the Federal University of Paraná.

Guilherme Perini, Public Ministry of Paraná State

Prosecuter at the 5th Prosecutor's Office in Campo Largo/PR; Graduated in Law and in Social Communication by the Federal University of Paraná; Post-Graduate from the School of Magistrates of Paraná; Master in Education from the Federal University of Paraná; Coordinator of the Public Prosecution Committee of State of Paraná to Confront Drugs and the Strategic Project SEMEAR - Confrontation to Alcohol, Crack and other Drugs. Member of the State Council for Public Policy on Drugs, representative of the Public ministry.

Letícia Soraya de Souza Prestes Gonçalves, Public Ministry of Paraná State

Specialist in Constitutional Law by the Brazilian Academy of Constitutional Law - ABDCONST. Post-graduated by the School Foundation of the Public Ministry of the State of Paraná - FEMPAR, in the specialization course in "Public Ministry - Democratic State of Law". Graduated in Law from the Federal University of Paraná. Legal Assistant at Paraná State Prosecution Service.


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How to Cite

OSS-EMER, L.; DE BARROS PERINI, G.; SORAYA DE SOUZA PRESTES GONÇALVES, L. Systemic justice: a possibility to apply the therapeutic justice model in Paraná state. Revista de Direito, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 03, p. 01–29, 2021. DOI: 10.32361/2021130312256. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.


