Call for papers - Special thematic dossier opening - Transformations in the world of work



In view of changes in the world of work, this thematic dossier aims to receive articles that deepen theoretical and/or empirical discussions around work, covering topics such as workers' rights and duties, objective and subjective conditions of work, the reform of labor laws and their impact, as well as the transformations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This dossier also aims to contribute to the dialogue on the flexibilization of work dynamics and its impact on the quality of life of workers, whether through flexibilization of working hours, contract flexibility, through remote work performed at home, with the establishment of home-offices, for example, or doing work in a hybrid format, whose limits between private life and work life are intertwined through telecommuting. One of the objectives of this journal edition is to explore remote work in various areas of activity, from education to remote assistance, for example, remote assistance through formal and informal entrepreneurship, whether stimulated by changes in labor laws or by the pandemic of COVID-19.

We hope to have contributions that address the most diverse areas of work, such as government work, NGOs, schools, colleges and universities, technical schools, the medical field, small and large companies (corporations and multinationals), factories, start-ups, department stores, farm and livestock, and the tourism industry, among others.

This dossier hopes to answer some of the following questions: How does changing working models affect productivity and workers' rights in private and public organizations? To what extent has remote work and its possible flexibility been an advantage and/or disadvantage for employers and workers? What are some of the expectations of the workforce in Brazil and in other countries around the world? What will be some of the possible effects on labor relations after the COVID-19 pandemic?

The Journal SCRIBES launches the call for papers on “Transformations in the World of Work”, encouraging the submission of studies in various formats: articles, reviews, essays, reports of experiences and pedagogical practices, reviews, short stories (fiction), and photographs. Although there was an emphasis on the changing of labor relations during COVID-19, some of these changes prior to the pandemic are also evident, as in the reduction in working hours in some so-called first world countries, the increased workload also in developed countries, changes in informal work around the world, changes in labor relations in the digital age and other technological advances, such as the use of applications (ie Uber, Lyft, IFood), among other themes that precede the pandemic.

Important information:

  • Deadline for submission: 03/31/2021
  • Format of papers: articles, reviews, essays, reports of experiences and pedagogical practices, reviews, short stories (fiction), and photographs.
  • Language: Portuguese, English, Spanish.
  • The works must obey the formatting of the Scribes Magazine.
  • Link for submission:

Format of the articles:

  • Article: up to 8,000 words, including titles, abstract, tables, figures and references;
  • Review: systematic critical review of the literature on a given subject (up to 9,000 words, including titles, abstracts, tables, figures and references);
  • Essay: up to 8,000 words, including titles, abstract, tables, figures and references;
  • Experience report and pedagogical practices: up to 8,000 words, including titles, abstracts, abstracts, tables, figures and references;
  • Short Stories (Fiction): up to 5,000 words on the dossier theme;
  • Book Review: up to 1,200 words of works related to the dossier theme;
  • Photographs: up to 250 words of text presenting the proposal of the photo or set of photos. The photo (or photos) must dialogue with the dossier theme and must be the original photo (photos) taken by the contributor to this dossier. In this category, the author is allowed to submit up to 3 photos.The photos must be sent in a JPEG file, maximum size 2MB, and the text in a Word file separately, in the category “Others” in the “Article component” field.

Possible themes:

  • Telework and virtual consultory
  • Labor laws and the impacts of labor reform
  • Social labor movements and union action
  • Precarious work
  • Remote Education during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Industry 4.0 and labor relations
  • Flexibility of work
  • Work reconfigurations: uberization, outsourcing and entrepreneurship


Cibelle Santiago -

Assistant Professor

Department of Applied Social Sciences

Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil


Eduardo Viana da Silva -

Assistant Teaching Professor

Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies

University of Washington, United States


Fernanda Landolfi Maia -

Adjunct Professor

Professional and Technological Education Sector

Federal University of Paraná, Brazil


Janaynna de Moura Ferraz - 

Adjunct Professor

Department of Administrative Sciences

Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil