Assédio Moral na Pós-Graduação: Práticas e Elementos Culturais Propiciadores




Research objective: characterize the elements present in the culture of Postgraduate identified as favorable to the occurrence of workplace bullying, based on the speeches of teachers and students linked to the Postgraduate Programs stricto sensu of a Public University.

Theoretical framework: workplace bullying, organizational and brazilian culture.

Methodology: the research was characterized as qualitative, descriptive and case study, with the participation of 126 respondents to the survey and 7 interviews - with content analysis and descriptive statistics.

Results: it was found that the participants believe that the culture of Postgraduate can influence the manifestation of workplace bullying. Thus, upon verification of their verbalizations, elements that enabling their occurrence were identified: impunity; group issues; collections and pressures; productivity; competitiveness and vanity. Such elements are often manifested by the abuse of power and the refusal of difference. Therefore, it is necessary to review the practices and behaviors within the Postgraduate Program’s to prevent situations of workplace bullying and other violence from occurring.

Originality: a gap is filled in as to identify which are the cultural elements that can facilitate the occurrence of workplace bullying in the postgraduate environment. Although it is argued that culture can influence the occurrence, there is this gap in which research and literature do not present what those elements are.

Theoretical and practical contributions: in addition to the scientific contribution to the construction of knowledge, discussing the cultural elements that can facilitate workplace bullying makes it possible, from these, to contribute to the development of actions and policies to mitigate their incidence, prevent and combat it. As well as, to debate and publicize a theme considered as a taboo in many organizational spaces.


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Author Biography

Thiago Soares Nunes, Universidade FUMEC

Professor do Programa de Doutorado e Mestrado em Administração da Universidade FUMEC. Pós-Doutorado em Administração pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (2018). Doutor em Administração pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2016), com período sanduíche no Departamento de Psicologia Social da Universidade Autônoma de Barcelona (UAB/Espanha). Mestre em Administração pela UFSC (2011). Especialista em Gestão de Pessoas nas Organizações pela UFSC (2008). Graduação em Administração pela UFSC (2007). 



How to Cite

Nunes, T. S. (2022). Assédio Moral na Pós-Graduação: Práticas e Elementos Culturais Propiciadores. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 14(1).


