Associação, Administração Pública, GêneroAbstract
In this study, we investigated, through an Association of Artisans in the municipality of Viçosa, MG, consisting mainly of "women", aspects of economic solidarity underlying the, as well as investigated the interface between associations and public administration. The data obtained through direct observation, semistructured interviews, document analysis, and oral history enabled us to reflect, discuss and build a relational analysis that emphasizes the subjective pluralities that accentuates the subjective pluralities which singularize determined forms of experiencing "a woman." It is a discussion that reinforces the historically constructed status of women which can therefore can be negotiated. However, the results emphasize the importance of research which may reflect the symbolic aspects of values and the sexual division of labor, such as particular and contextual constructions of social groups.
Key-Words: Association. Public Administration. Gender.
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