About the Journal

Aims and Scope
Revista ELO is an open access multidisciplinary journal of university extension sponsored by the Pro-Rectory of Culture and University Extension at the Federal University of Viçosa. The journal is focused on disseminating the results of extension practices, sharing methodological processes and fostering reflections about university extension. The journal publishes articles, experience reports, reviews. Submissions will be accepted in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

The journal follows the guidelines of university extension, namely dialogic interaction; interdisciplinarity and interprofessionality; the indissolubility of teaching, research and extension; impact on students formation and impact and social transformation.

Peer Review Process
Manuscripts will be assessed by a minimum of two reviewers, who may be independent, permanent or indicated by the Editorial Board of Revista Elo – Diálogos em Extensão. The reviewers will be related to the different fields of university extension.
The form used in the assessment process is available in: ASSESSMENT FORM.

Frequency of Publication
In 2020, Revista ELO – Diálogos em Extensão has moved to a continuous publication model.

Open Access Policy
All content published by Revista ELO is open access: immediately freely available to read. Thereby, we seek, as a matter of principle, to promote a greater global exchange and democratization of scientific knowledge.

Publication and Submission Fees
Elo does not charge any fees for the publication and submission of manuscripts.

Anti-Plagiarism Policy
The manuscripts submitted to this journal will be subjected to the anti-plagiarism policy of Revista Elo – Diálogos em Extensão. Plagiarism and self-plagiarism will be checked by the reviewers and editors with specialized expertise in the field concerned, as well as by the Editorial Board at the time of the final review of approved articles.
The scientific works sent to Revista Elo – Diálogos em Extensão must be unpublished.
The use of texts, data, tables or figures, in full or in part, which have been previously published by the author or third parts is allowed, since they are properly cited in accordance with the current guidelines of Revista Elo.

Qualis Periodicals Classification 2017-2020 - B1

Journal History
Revista ELO – Diálogos em Extensão has been published since 2010.