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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it presented to another journal for consideration;
  • The text of the manuscript should have been thoroughly proofread, ensuring its clarity and grammatical correctness.
  • The identification of authorship of any manuscript must be removed from the text. In the same way, the authorship must be removed from the Word file in the option “Properties in Word”, thereby ensuring the journal’s criterion of confidentiality, in accordance with the double-blind peer review guidelines.
  • The references at the end of the manuscript must be in conformity with the ABNT Standard and the authors of the cited works should be identified by their full names (with no abbreviations).
  • The text must be inserted in the corresponding Template, Article / Experience Report or Review, following all the formatting and norms established by the journal. Submissions must be in accordance with the Template format.
  • Templates are to be found in the eponymous menu.

Author Guidelines

1. Revista ELO accepts submissions in the following categories:

1.1. ARTICLE: articles must present results of university extension activities. It can articulate activities of empiric, experimental or conceptual research.
1.1.1. Articles must comprise between 15 and 25 pages of text, including the appendices and references, plus a maximum of 5 illustrations.

1.2. EXPERIENCE REPORT: works describing projects or programs of university extension.
1.2.1. The Experience Report must comprise between 5 and 8 pages of text, including the appendices and references, plus a maximum of 3 illustrations.

1.3. REVIEW: critical review of work related to the thematic areas of Revista ELO, published in the last two years.

1.3.1. Reviews must comprise between 3 and 5 pages of text, including appendices and references, plus a maximum of 1 illustration.


Acess the Template in the eponymous menu to follow the guidelines set out by the journal. The manuscript should be submitted as an edited version of this archive.

2.1. Revista ELO only considers publishing original, previously unpublished manuscripts that are not being reviewed simultaneously for publication by any other journal. Authors must state these conditions in the submission process. In case previous publication or simultaneous submission to another journal is identified, the article will be rejected.

2.2. Title : “Articles” and “Experience Reports” in Portuguese, English and Spanish should have a concise and informative title. In the case of “Reviews”, the title will be the same of the reviewed work and in no case should a translation be proposed, either into English or Spanish, as shown in the corresponding Template.

2.3. Abstract: "Articles" and "Experience Reports" must be accompanied by an abstract. These should explain the object, objectives, methodology / procedures, main results and conclusions. Each abstract can comprise a maximum of 1,000 characters with spaces. “Reviews”  must not be accompanied by a summary of the reviewed work.
2.4. The abstracts in Portuguese and Spanish must be a precise version of the abstract in English and must follow the same guidelines applied for it. Abstracts must be followed by the precise corresponding versions of the keywords.


Thematic Area: After the keywords of the abstract in English, at least one thematic area should be informed (Agroecology, Associativism, Cooperativism, Communication, Culture, Human Rights, Education, Gender, Environment, Public Policy, Rurality, Health, Food Security, Technology, Theories and Methods in Extension, Labor, Territoriality).

2.6. The notes must be endnotes.

3. Body Text

3.1. Follow the detailed rules of the Article/Experience Report Template. For greater ease, you must keep the predefined formatting it offers.

3.2. The body of the Article and the Experience Report must contain: Title in Portuguese, Abstract in Portuguese, Keywords in Portuguese, thematic area in Portuguese; Title in English, Abstract in English, Keywords in English; Spanish title, Spanish summary, keywords in Spanish; introduction; objectives; methodology; Results and discussion; conclusions and references. In the case of the Review, it must contain: Title in Portuguese, English and Spanish, this being the name of the reviewed work.  The original title of the reviewed work should not be translated, regardless of the language in which it is published; and review in Portuguese, according to the appropriate template.

4. Illustrations

4.1. Types of illustrations: Figure, Table, Chart, etc.

4.2. The number of illustrations must follow that specified in item 1, paying attention to the genre in question.

4.3. Pictures must be in proper graphic quality. Graphics should be dotted, checkered or use any other type of filling to substitute colors.

4.4. Illustrations must appear after being referred to in the text, numbered using Arabic numerals.

4.5. Figures refer to graphs, drawings, maps, photos, schemes, formulas and others. Tables are based on information treated statistically; Charts introduce textual information arranged in columns.

4.6. The captions of Figures should be brief and clear, allowing the figures to be understood without consulting the text.

4.7. The caption must be placed below each Figure, preceded by the word “Figure” and numbered consecutively in the order that they appear in the text, in Arabic numerals. (Figure1: caption; Figure 2: caption; Figure 3: caption).

4.8. The captions of Tables and Charts should be placed above the table or the chart, preceded by the name of the element and numbered consecutively in the order that they appear in the text, in Arabic numerals. (Table 1: caption; Chart 1: caption). Sources of the information referred to in Tables or Charts should be placed below them.

4.9. Tables and Charts should be made in the same editor used for the typing of the manuscript.

5. Sources of Funding
5.1. Authors must disclose all sources of institutional or private funding or support for conducting the study/project.

5.2. If the study/project has been performed without institutional and/or private funding, the authors should state that the research did not receive any funding.

6. Acknowledgments
Authors may mention at the end of the manuscript and before the references  institutions that in some way allowed or facilitated the research and/or people that collaborated with the study but fail to meet the authorship criteria. The text should comprise a maximum of 500 characters with spaces.

7. References
The references in the body text must be presented according to the author-date model, in accordance with the ABNT Standard NBR-10520
The references cited throughout the text must be listed at the end of the manuscript alphabetically and must follow the guidelines of ABNT Standard NBR-6023/2018. Highlights in the references should be in italics.

8. Manuscripts Submission

8.1. Manuscripts must be sent electronically via

8.2. The archive with the manuscript must be in DOC format (Microsoft Word).

9. Stages of the Assessment

9.1. Manuscripts submitted to Revista Elo will be initially evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief, who makes sure it matches one of the categories published by the journal, in accordance with item 1 (formal opinion).

9.2. Once it is in accordance with the publishing categories, the manuscript will have its format aspects assessed by the Management Editor. We recommend that authors read attentively the formatting guidelines and follow them strictly so that we avoid delays in the publication procedures.

9.3. After the format assessment, the manuscript will be submitted to merit assessment. Each manuscript will be double blind peer reviewed by at least two reviewers.

9.4. The scientific opinions delivered by the reviewers will be conformed by the Editoral staff of the journal and the result of the assessment (accepted without amendments, accepted with suggestions of amendments, rejected with suggestions of amendments for later reassessment or rejected) will be sent to the authors.

9.5. Once the manuscript has been accepted, it will be sent to the authors for linguistic revision and formatting in accordance with the Template.

9.6. Authors must accept the Copyright Notice as part of the submission process.


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The names, email addresses and any additional information entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
The authors are exclusively responsible for the content of the papers published in this journal, in accordance with the law no. 9.610 of February 19, 1998 (Law on Copyright and Neighboring Rights). Thus, this journal is only responsible for the evaluation of the articles as scientific publications.