Digital Inclusion for adults: Experience report




Keywords: Digital inclusion. Adults. Practical workshops. External community.


Abstract: This article presents the experience report of a digital inclusion project for adults. The main objective of the project was to promote digital inclusion for students, so that after insertion into the digital world they are able to interact with this new social paradigm, allowing them the possibility to feel proud as individuals and as professionals, thus contributing to a better social context, according to their training obtained during practical workshops. The project urged the inclusion of the specific attended public through educational and practical workshops, contributing to an approach of the external community with the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina - campus of Tubarão. At the end of the project it was concluded that the objectives were achieved. The participants comprised 30 people.



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Author Biographies

Diego Ramos GOMES , IFSC

Aluno do curso superior em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas no IFSC - Câmpus Tubarão (SC)

Felipe Schneider COSTA, IFSC

Mestre em Ciência da Computação, Professor ( EBTT) de Informática do Câmpus Tubarão do IFSC.

Rebeca Guedes Maria da SILVA

Aluna egressa do curso técnico em Informática no IFSC - Câmpus Tubarão (SC)


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How to Cite

GARCIA, F. C. ., GOMES , D. R. ., COSTA, F. S., & SILVA, R. . G. M. da. (2021). Digital Inclusion for adults: Experience report. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 10.



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