Formação de multiplicadores para reciclagem de resíduos orgânicos por meio da compostagem em tempos de pandemia




In 2016, Brazil generated about 78.3 million tons of solid urban waste (MSW), with half of all this waste being organic. The degradation of the organic fraction of grounded MSW occurs with the production of greenhouse gases and leachate that pose risks to the soil, air, water and public health. The simplest treatment for this type of waste is composting. Therefore, this extension project aimed to form multipliers from the external community to recycle organic waste through composting. The training offered to the external community 100% online generated fifteen videos on the subject, in the form of Lives, which are available on the IFSC's YouTube channel - Campus Garopaba, where in addition to the lectures, there was an exchange of knowledge with the external community. Initially, 1291 applications were received from different regions of Brazil and at the end 417 certificates of participation were issued to those who managed to fulfill 75% of attendance in the course.


In 2016, Brazil generated about 78.3 million tons of solid urban waste (MSW), with half of all this waste being organic. The degradation of the organic fraction of grounded MSW occurs with the production of greenhouse gases and leachate that pose risks to the soil, air, water and public health. The simplest treatment for this type of waste is composting. Therefore, this extension project aimed to form multipliers from the external community to recycle organic waste through composting. The training offered to the external community 100% online generated fifteen videos on the subject, in the form of Lives, which are available on the IFSC's YouTube channel - Campus Garopaba, where in addition to the lectures, there was an exchange of knowledge with the external community. Initially, 1291 applications were received from different regions of Brazil and at the end 417 certificates of participation were issued to those who managed to fulfill 75% of attendance in the course.


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How to Cite

GOMES, J. da C. . (2021). Formação de multiplicadores para reciclagem de resíduos orgânicos por meio da compostagem em tempos de pandemia. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 10.


