New realities of agricultural production: possibilities that the “agroecological fair” extension project builds in rural education.
Agriculture. Agroecology. Agroecological fairs.Abstract
Abstract: The agroecological and cultural fairs propose the valorization of farmers, artists and artisans through spaces for the exchange of knowledge, actions of good practices and fair trade in organic food, coming from social movements, collectives, associations and cooperatives. This article aimed to analyze the possibilities suggested by the “agroecological fair” extension project, together with a proposal for education in the countryside, to build new realities of agricultural production and ways of life, different from those suggested by the models of agro-industrial systems. Finally, it was concluded that the creation of the agroecological fair would bring benefits to consumers who go to the fair and to farmers, giving greater visibility, publicizing their work and increasing profitability, by having a space to sell their products, without giving up its traditional proposal of humanized life based on contextualized and constant learning.
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