The participation of the PET Agronomia group in the dissemination and elucidation of high school teachers and students about the Agronomy course




Professional choice, Agronomic engineering, Tutorial education program


The Tutorial Education Program (TEP) Agronomy group of the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA) was founded in 1995 and has the main objective of providing, through tutoring, the development of research, teaching and extension. Compliance with the tripod corresponding to the extension is achieved through actions such as vocational fairs in public and private schools in Belém and neighboring locations, where the agronomy course is disseminated to the local community. At these events, the members inform them about the professional performance of the Agronomist in order to provide a better basis for the students' decision making. There is also an exhibition of what TEP is and what it means to be a petian within the university. The actions occurred in the period 2017 to 2019. Currently, the group has a member who participated in a vocational fair promoted by UFRA and chose to choose agronomy as a professional area.


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How to Cite

TAVARES, T. C., COSTA, A., BATISTA, I. ., SILVA, F. . C. da, MIRANDA, P. C. de ., VIEIRA, E. F. T., CUNHA, G. D. F., FIGUEIREDO, M. M., TEIXEIRA, D. F., VASCONCELOS, G. S., NOGUEIRA, D. C., PEREIRA, G. S. ., CARDOSO, B. D., & VIANA, R. G. (2022). The participation of the PET Agronomia group in the dissemination and elucidation of high school teachers and students about the Agronomy course. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 11.



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