Interdisciplinarity and interprofessionality in university extension through the eyes of a Pedagogy student




Educação, Extensão, Pedagogia, Interdisciplinaridade, Interpessoalidade


The present experience report aims to analyze and reflect about interdisciplinarity and interprofessionality as fundamental guidelines for the university extension, focusing on the experience in an extension project focused on the History of Education through the eyes of a Pedagogy student and the contribution towards academic qualification and pedagogical performance of extensionists. Such reflection, made after the participation in the respective Project for approximately one year, allowed for the perception that this project provides tools to study content and concepts that extrapolate the boundaries of what is taught in regular university programs, besides enabling one to notice the historical influences in the pedagogical practice. Another important element that's being debated is interprofessionality and the part played by extension projects on joint development of theoretical and practical work seeking the qualification of researcher-teachers.


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How to Cite

SIQUEIRA, M. M. B. de ., CORDEIRO, A., GONÇALVES, N. G. ., & LOPES, I. A. P. . (2022). Interdisciplinarity and interprofessionality in university extension through the eyes of a Pedagogy student. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 11.



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