The representation of Agroecology - an analysis on the EMATER-MG website




Technical assistance and rural extension, Society, Social cognition, Innovation


This article aims to analyze the social representations built by the website of the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company of Minas Gerais; EMATER-MG on Agroecology actions carried out in the State. Thus, it will weigh the signs that are related to Agroecology and what they represent in rural areas. Five editions of the Social Activity Reportpublished in the period from 2015 to 2019 were analyzed. The contents of the annual agendas in Agroecology, the quantitative of attendances and evolutionary temporal prospecting were analyzed. Images and their meaning references were analyzed and analysis categories were identified. The study showed that Agroecology disseminated by EMATER-MG is transmitted to the public as a synonym of modernity, technology, in order to consolidate the positive representation of agroecology, however its expressiveness has decreased, since the theme is no longer part of the strategic agendas from the company.


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How to Cite

MARIANO, G. M. de L., PEREIRA, A. J., & Reis, J. D. dos . (2022). The representation of Agroecology - an analysis on the EMATER-MG website. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 11.




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