Extension project Nucleus of Anthropolitic Studies: pandemic, challenges andpolitics in the networks





University extension, Pandemic, Politicy, Anthropology


This article aims to present the results of the actions developed in the Extension Project Nucleus of Anthropolitic Studies (NEA) in the periods that comprise 2020-2021. With the pandemic and social isolation, the project was carried out through the social networks Instagram and Google Meet, through publications and mini online courses, reflecting on political issues with an ethnographic focus, contemplating people from different segments of society and cities in the Northeast. In view of the presentation of these results, the methodology will be qualitative with the use of the photographic resource and also indicates numerical data on the engagements in the official social network of the @nea.uern project. As a result, it was observed that the NEA is strengthened through its adaptation to the virtual mode, maintaining the commitment to producing content using teaching, research and extension, in planned articulation and adapting to reality in the context of a pandemic and distancing Social.


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How to Cite

BRASILEIRO, C. C. B., BARROS, T. A. C. N., FONSECA, L. S. da, SILVA, G. G. M. da, SILVEIRA, E. L. M. da, & OLIVEIRA, P. M. de. (2023). Extension project Nucleus of Anthropolitic Studies: pandemic, challenges andpolitics in the networks. Revista ELO – Diálogos Em Extensão, 12. https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v12i.15447


