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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript was formatted according to the template available on the website.

  • The contribution is not being evaluated for publication by another journal. If the work was published in whole or in part in the annals of congresses, meetings, symposia or other events, specify the annals and year of publication in "Comments to the Editor".
  • The work sent to the editors is in its final form, has theoretical consistency, consistency as to the foundations and originality.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors.
  • The text of the work underwent a detailed review, ensuring the quality of the writing. In addition, there is clear, adequate and sufficient exposure of the qualitative and / or quantitative methods used.
  • The authorship identification of the work has been removed from the text and from the File Properties option in Word, thus guaranteeing the journal's confidentiality criterion, if submitted for peer review,
    ensuring blind peer evaluation were followed.
  • The references at the end of the article obey the ABNT norms and the names of the authors of the cited works are presented in full (without abbreviations).
    Las referencias al final del artículo obedecen las normas ABNT y los nombres de los autores de los trabajos citados se presentan en su totalidad (sin abreviaturas).
  • The files for submission are in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice format and do not exceed 2MB.

Author Guidelines

Submission and publication of works at Oikos: Família e Sociedade em Debate is free.

  1. Oikos: Family and Society in Debate is linked to the Post-Graduate Program in Home Economics, at the Federal University of Viçosa - UFV. It is intended for the publication of scientific productions in the area of knowledge of Human Sciences and Applied Social Sciences. The articles focus on the study of man as a social, economic and political being, seeking to reflect on the different human realities and the consequences of living in society.
  2. Papers submitted for publication must be unpublished, both in print and electronic media, and their simultaneous presentation in another journal is not allowed. Exceptionally published articles may be accepted, considering the journal's interests; evaluation that will be up to the editors. In this case, the original publication must be mentioned in a footnote or in the body of the text and, at the time of submission, presented by the author (s) with the authorization of part of the original editor.
  3. The magazine publishes works written in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
  4. The Board of the magazine OIKOS is sovereign in the decision regarding the classification of the article in the magazine's rules.
  5. The authors are responsible for the ideas, data and concepts contained in the works.
  6. The submission of works to the journal will imply acceptance by the author (s) of the rules expressed here.
  7. Regarding submission:

- It is necessary to format the manuscript in the template available on the website.

- Up to 4 authors per article are admitted and all must be registered on the portal.

- Two is the maximum number of articles that can be submitted per author per year, regardless of the position of authorship.

- The registration data related to authorship are mandatory and must be entered only in the appropriate fields of the system. These are, full name of the author (s), institutional link, biography, full address for correspondence (including city, state and country), telephones and e-mail.

- The publication of approved articles will take place within a maximum period of two editions, after submission, according to the evaluation of the Scientific Committee. Unpublished contributions will be returned to the authors.

- The author (s) are free to withdraw their work at any time, based on a formal online request, as long as the contribution is not scheduled for the first publication envisaged.



- It is necessary to format or handwrite the model available on the website.

- Identification of authorship and co-author: the article file must not contain the identification of the author or co-authors. If it is possible to identify an authority in the body of the text or in the references, the article will be archived. Authors must be identified in the system when submitting the manuscript.

- Papers must be typed in the text editor Microsoft Word for Windows or Open Document for Linux, on paper format A-4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm);

- The size of the uploaded file must not exceed 2 MB;

- Left margin of 3 cm, right margin of 2 cm, upper margin of 3 cm and lower margin of 2 cm;

- Paragraphs with justified alignment;

- Arial font, with size 12;

- 1.5 line spacing (except titles, abstract, abstract, long direct citations and references);

- Paragraphs: Justified alignment and indentation in the first line of 1.25 cm.


- Articles should have between 6,000 and 10,000 words, including abstracts, keywords, tables, illustrations, tables, notes, annexes, appendices and references;

- Title: Titles are presented in font size 12, in capital letters, single-spaced and in bold. The article must first present the title in the language of the work and on the next line, the translated title. Portuguese article must present the translation into English and Spanish. Article written in English or Spanish must have a translation into Portuguese.

- Abstract and abstract: Following the same order as the titles, abstracts should have a maximum of 200 words and be formatted in simple spacing and without indentation in the first line. They must present in a single paragraph in the corresponding language, the objectives, approach, methodology, results and conclusions of the work.

- Keywords, keywords or key words: They must be presented in the corresponding language and a line below the respective summary. Minimum of 3 and maximum of 4, starting with a capital letter and separated by a period, in the corresponding language.

- Body of the text: Started right after the items above, without inserting a new page for each subtitle. Articles must contain: introduction, theoretical foundation, methodological procedures, results and analyzes, conclusion or final considerations and references. Theoretical essays must present formatting consistent with the adopted approach.

- Citations and References: must strictly comply with the standards of the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT). NOTE: Direct citations with up to three lines must be integrated into the text, in double quotation marks, followed by parentheses with the author's last name and year of publication. Citations with more than three lines are presented in font size 10 and indented to the left by 4 cm. In both cases, in addition to the author and the year of publication, the page from which they were taken is indicated in parentheses. In the references, adopt the full name of the authors.

- Illustrations: Tables, graphs, charts, figures, etc., must be in an editable format, with a maximum of 8 centimeters wide and positioned in an appropriate place in the text. At the top of the illustration, your designation must be presented followed by your order number (eg Table 1).

- REVIEWS: The first page must start with the title, authors' names and editorial data of the analyzed work (location, publisher, year of publication, total pages, and ISBN) on the first Page. Have between 2 and 3 pages.

  1. Failure to follow the above rules will result in the return of the work in the condition of inadequate submission.
  2. The Board of Oikos magazine is sovereign regarding the acceptance of the works and reserves the right to refuse those whose requests from the referees were not met.
  3. Once the paper is accepted, the author will receive a notification and will have up to 15 days to return it with any possible changes that may be necessary. If the author does not meet this deadline, he will lose priority in publishing his article.
  4. The author (s) of articles approved for publication may be asked to translate them into English or Spanish, which is the sole responsibility of the author (s).
  5. The revision of the text, in written languages, is the sole responsibility of the author (s), and the journal may carry out complementary revisions and adaptations that may be necessary. The author must send proof of linguistic revision by a qualified professional, in case the article is approved.

Dossiê Temático

São aceitos trabalhos originais enviados a partir das chamadas temáticas públicas, amplamente divulgadas junto à comunidade acadêmica. Os artigos devem seguir as normas da ABNT, possuir entre 6.000 e 10.000 palavras e seguir as demais orientações constantes nas diretrizes para autores.


Destinada à publicação de artigos inéditos de interesse científico. Os manuscritos devem seguir as normas da ABNT, possuir entre 6.000 e 10.000 palavras e seguir as demais orientações constantes nas diretrizes para autores.


Recebe revisões críticas de publicações recentes, nacionais ou estrangeiras. A resenha deve resumir, analisar, comparar e analisar criticamente a obra em foco, constituindo uma contribuição teórica ou científica para a área de estudo.

Privacy Statement

The names, addresses and additional data informed by the authors and reviewers will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.

The content of the published articles is the sole responsibility of the author (s), observing the Copyright Law No. 9,610, of February 19, 1998. Therefore, the journal is only responsible for the evaluation of the articles, being a vehicle scientific publication.