Nitrogen, phosphorus, water and sediment losses under sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) and peanut (Arachis hypogaea l.) cultivation




Cana-de-açúcar, Amendoim, Perdas de águas, Perdas de nutrientes e sedimentos, Swat.


Sertãozinho-SP is a major world producer of sugarcane and peanuts. The crop rotation technique recovers soils and brings commercial benefits to producers. Objective: to determine the losses of water, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and sediments, due to the use and occupation of the soil in the peanut and sugarcane crop, using the SWAT model, maintaining the topographic and physical attributes and climatic conditions of the Mogi-Guaçu River sub-watershed, in the Sertãozinho city – SP. To carry out this study, local data from digital elevation maps and soil pedological maps, precipitation, wind, solar radiation, and relative humidity were used. The actual accumulated evapotranspiration was higher in sugarcane (906.7 mm) when compared to peanuts (886.1 mm). Sediment losses were higher in peanuts (300.66 mm) when compared to sugarcane (280.69 mm), as well as losses of N (118.44 and 34.48 kg ha-1) and P (5.456 and 0.805 kg ha-1), respectively. It is concluded that the peanut crop showed the greatest losses of water, nutrients, and sediments, when compared to sugarcane, showing that the land cover directly influenced these losses. Studies like these can aid in decision-making about environmental policies, helping with soil and water conservation in Brazilian sub-watershed.


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How to Cite

Silva, P. A., Veras, L. M., Pissarra, T. C. T., Batista, K. V., Vicentini, M. E., Panosso, A. R., & Rolim, G. de S. (2021). Nitrogen, phosphorus, water and sediment losses under sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) and peanut (Arachis hypogaea l.) cultivation. Engineering in Agriculture, 29(Contínua), 420–428.



Water and environmental resources